Services 1 ­ Anna Aranci

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Rebirthing Breathwork

Book Your Session With Anna

Rebirthing Breathwork

When we breathe each breathe fully, consciously, and with the inhale and exhale connected, something powerful occurs that allows us to release and resolve any emotions, belief systems...

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Holistic Counselling & Coaching

Book Your Session With Anna

Holistic Counselling & Coaching

People seek counselling/coaching when they recognise something in their life no longer matches with the life experience they most want to have...

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Reiki & Spiritual Healing

Book Your Session with Anna

Reiki & Spiritual Healing

Reiki has been defined as a non-physical healing technique that utilises life force enrgy, which is guided by a Higher or Spititual Intelligence. The word Reiki translates to... 

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Groups, Workshops and Trainings

Groups, Workshops and Trainings

A brief overview of what’s on offer for 2014 on the Gold Coast, read more on the click through. Please contact Anna for dates and times.

The Power Of Your Breath: A One Day Immersion

The Feminine Phoenix Workshops for Women


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Anna Aranci