Rebirthing Breathwork ­ Services ­ Anna Aranci

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Rebirthing Breathwork

Book Your Session With Anna

Rebirthing Breathwork

When we breathe each breathe fully, consciously, and with the inhale and exhale connected, something powerful occurs that allows us to release and resolve any emotions, belief systems and memories that are often inaccessible through other methods. This type of breathing is the power behind Rebirthing Breathwork.

In a rebirthing breathwork session we breathe beyond the basic need or desire for survival, which creates a bridge between all the inner levels of our being and our conscious mind. This offers the breather the opportunity to improve ones health & well-being through the lasting transformation and change that real healing requires. There are a variety of different breathing techniques that can be utilised within a session. Most occur organically and in accordance to the breathers’ individual healing needs, however the practitioner can also suggest different breathing techniques to support specific conditions.

Common conditions that benefit greatly from Rebirthing Breathwork are:

  • Intentional Living – Achieving Goals
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Emotional Issues, such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Addiction
  • Stress
  • Pain
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Nutritional Issues and Food Sensitivities
  • Fatigue
  • Skin Conditions
  • Detoxification
  • And More

Other areas that can be explored through Rebirthing Breathwork are:

  • Past Life Regression
  • Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval
  • Healing of Birth Trauma
  • Life Mapping – Life Coaching

A Rebirthing Breathwork session comprises of three stages. They are:

  • Intention Setting – this is where I help you build the intention for your session, based on what it is you want or need in life. Additional insights are offered into what intentional living is and how it operates in your everyday life.  
  • Immersion into the Breath Session – this is where I facilitate the breathwork component to bring your awareness to what is in the way of your intention, and where the block/s are lodged (hiding) in the body.
  • The Integration Process – this is where I help you connect what happens in the session, to your intention, as well as map out how to integrate the ‘new’ into your life for lasting transformation and healing.

Within each session, the skills from a number of different modalities come into play. They are:

  • Holistic Counselling and Coaching
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Spiritual and Energetic Healing

Rebirthing Breathwork is a powerful ally and easy to learn, therefore with some practice you can utilise it, practise it, and embrace the benefits of it on your own. it’s a great way to cleanse, heal and make way for the change you want in your life…and anyone can do it!

Allow 2.5 hours per session. 

Additional benefits include:


  • An experiencial understanding of what cellular memory and birth script is
  • Whole body detox offering a deep cleansing of the cellular structure, offering regeneration
  • Pain release, which often results in an increase in vilality  
  • Re-wiring of the nervous system resulting in the feelings of improved health and well-being


  • Improved clarity of mind through the release of old and negative thought patterns and belief systems
  • Open channels of communication between the conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious mind
  • Re-connection of mind with the cellular memory and nervous system
  • Improved concentration and focus


  • Safe release of trapped emotions and feelings from unresolved issues of the past
  • Opens channels of communication between the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual levels
  • Release from the emotional bonds of birth script/trauma
  • Re-connection and healing betwwen the inner child and adult self


  • Energetic cleansing and re-balancing of the chakra system
  • Palpable re-connection with self, life purpose and spirit resulting in greater conscious awareness, self understanding and a deeper sense of inner peace
  • Deeper connection with universal consciousness and God


Anna Aranci